Camels Destruction Bill 1925

p2320     Camels Destruction Bill,  Dec 17  [COUNCIL.]   

Second Reading

The MINISTER of MARINE (Hon. A. A. Kirkpatrick)—This short Bill is introduced for the purpose of giving the necessary powers to landholders to destroy camels found trespassing on their lands. Clause 2 provides that the occupier of any land may give public notice of his intention to destroy all camels found trespassing on his land. The notice is to be published in:—(a) two issues of the "Government Gazette"; (b) two issues of both of two daily papers circulating in the district and so that a week at least elapses between the two notices in each paper; and (c) one issue of weekly paper circulating in the district. After the expiration of one month from the publication of the last notice, the occupier may destroy all camels found trespassing on his land at any time within three months after the expiration of the month before mentioned. It will thus be seen that the right to destroy these camels will only apply for three months at a time but, an occupier may avail himself of the provisions of the Bill from time to time. It should also be noted that only trespassing camels may be destroyed. Consequently, if the camels are on the land with the consent of the occupier, or are being driven through the land pursuant to the provisions of the Pastoral Act, 1904, dealing with travelling stock, or are otherwise rightfully on the land, then the occupier will have no power to destroy them.

The Hon. W. Hannaford—Who is asking for this Bill?

The MINISTER of MARINE—I do not know. I only represent the Commissioner of Crown Lands in respect of this Bill. I move the second reading.

The Hon. W. G. DUNCAN—I support the Bill. The answer to Mr. Hannaford's question is that the Bill is asked for by owners of water leases outside Port Augusta and Farina. No fences will keep camels out of that country. They break down all the vermin fences and improvements put up. Afghan hawkers are clever enough to brand their camels and lose them for about three years until they are ready for breaking in, and the owners of the land on which they run have no legal and effective method of dealing with them. One man recently impounded 70 camels. He had to drive them about 50 miles and when they were offered for sale no one would bid. Therefore, nothing would be done and they were allowed to walk back home. I blame the land holders for not shooting the camels first and asking for the Bill afterwards, but as pastoralists are law-abiding they asked for the Bill first and that is the reason for its introduction.

Bill read a second time.

In Committee.

Clause 1—"Short title."

The Hon. J. CARR—Would dromedaries be included under this Bill?

The MINISTER of MARINE—I think not.

Clause passed.

Clause 2 and title passed; Bill read a third time and passed.

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