
State legislations for the era 1926–1938

1926  Drought Relief Act
1927  Brands Act Amendment Act
1927  Drought Relief Act
1927  Fruit and Vegetables (Prevention of Injury) Act
1927  Potato and Onion (Grading) Act
1927  Sand Drift Act
1928  Dairy Industry Act
1928  Drought Relief Act
1929  Adelaide Show Grounds (Regulations and By-laws) Act (Second Reading: html doc or pdf)
1929  Crown Lands Act
1929  Debt Adjustment Act
1929  Drought Relief Act (Extension) Act
1929  Drought Relief Act
1930  Irrigation (Land Tenure) Act
1930  Sandalwood Act
1931  Apiaries Act (Second Reading: html doc or pdf)
1931  Farmers Relief Act
1931  Farmers Relief Act Extension Act
1931  Noxious Weeds Act
1931  Vermin Act
1931  Wild Dogs Act
1932  Farmers Relief Act
1932  Stock Diseases Act Amendment Act
1933  Brands Act (Second Reading: html, doc or pdf)
1933  Bush Fires Act (Second Reading (unclear): html, doc, pdf)
1933  Farmers Assistance Act
1934  Alsatian Dogs Act (Second Reading: html doc or pdf)
1934  Dairy Produce Act
1934  Dried Fruits Act
1934  Fruit and Vegetables (Grading) Act
1934  Local Government Act
1934  Noxious Insects Act
1934  Stock Diseases Act
1935  Health Act
1935  Primary Producers’ Debts Act
1935  Sale of Fruit Act
1935  Veterinary Surgeons Act
1936  Metropolitan and Export Abattoirs Act
1936  Pastoral Act
1936  Phylloxera Act
1936  Renmark Irrigation Trust Act
1936  South Australian Meat Corporation Act
1936  Statute Law Revision Act
1936  Swine Compensation Act
1937  Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science Act
1938  Agricultural Seeds Act

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