Dairy Cattle Improvement Act Amendment Bill 1972

MARCH 29, 1972  HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY  p4447

Second Reading

The Hon. J. D. CORCORAN (Minister of Works) obtained leave and introduced a Bill for an Act to amend the Dairy Cattle Improvement Act, 1921-1968. Read a first time.

The Hon. J. D. CORCORAN: I move:

That this Bill be now read a second time.

It amends the Dairy Cattle Improvement Act, 1921, as amended, and its effect is (A) to provide that the Agriculture Department will be the sole licensing authority under the Act (previously this licensing function was shared between the officers of the department and police officers); (6) to raise the age from which a bull must be first licensed from six months to 12 months; and (c) to raise the licence fee from $2 to $4. The details of the Bill are as follows:

Clauses 1 and 2 are formal. Clause 3 raises the age at which bulls must be first licensed from six months to 12 months and makes certain minor drafting amendments to section 6 of the principal Act. Clause 4 when read with the amendments proposed at clause 9 provides for an increase in licence fees FROM $2 to $4. Clauses 5, 6 and 7 remove references to members of the Police Force. Clause 8 amends section 22 of the principal Act and removes a special period of limitation for actions against officials, this removal being in accordance with Government policy that such special periods should not now be provided for. Clause 9 makes appropriate amendments to the scale of fees for licences in the first schedule of the principal Act.

Mr. WARDLE secured the adjournment of the debate.

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