Rebuilding the Dog Fence

Project overview

The Dog Fence protects South Australia's $4.3 billion livestock industry by stopping wild dogs from migrating into land used for sheep production. This area is known as the sheep zone.

In 2018, more than two-thirds of the South Australian Dog Fence (1,600 kilometres) was over 100 years old. Many sections were aged and brittle, and had been degraded by kangaroos, emus, feral camels, wild dogs, weather events and sand erosion.

The independent Economic analysis of the South Australian Dog Fence (PDF 1.3 MB) by BDO EconSearch showed that replacing the 100-year-old sections of the Dog Fence and reducing the impact of wild dogs could create a net benefit to the community of between $56.4 million and $112.9 million over a 20-year period.

The rebuild of the Dog Fence is funded by the:

  • Australian Government ($10 million)
  • Government of South Australia ($11.6 million)
  • livestock industry ($5 million).

This project will improve a 2,150 km barrier that stretches from the Great Australian Bight to the New South Wales border.

Project timeline

The rebuild of the Dog Fence started in May 2020.

As of August 2023, more than 860 kilometres of fence has been rebuilt, with further work on more than 240 kilometres under way or about to commence.

The project was planned for completion in June 2024. Floods have resulted in delays, and completion is now expected in June 2025.

Stakeholder consultation

A Dog Fence Rebuild Committee engages the local Dog Fence boards and other pastoral stakeholders to ensure each section of the new fence is best suited for:

  • the terrain
  • type of ground
  • pressure from wild animals in that area.

The committee considers if the fence needs to be moved and which sections of the fence should be prioritised for rebuild.

The Dog Fence Rebuild Committee comprises the following:

  • Chairs of the local Dog Fence boards
  • Chair of the SA Dog Fence Board
  • the owner of the north-west private section of the Dog Fence
  • President of Livestock SA

The committee is chaired by Mr Will Zacharin, and executive support is provided by PIRSA staff

More information

Page last reviewed: 05 Sep 2023


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