Research reports for Snapper management

The following research reports inform the review of Snapper management.

Carolyn Stewardson, James Andrews, Crispian Ashby, Malcolm Haddon, Klaas Hartmann, Patrick Hone, Peter Horvat, Joanne Klemke, Stephen Mayfield, Anthony Roelofs, Keith Sainsbury, Thor Saunders, John Stewart, Simon Nicol and Brent Wise (eds) 2018, Status of Australian fish stocks reports 2018, Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Canberra.

Flood, M., Stobutzki, I., Andrews, J., Ashby, C., Begg, G., Fletcher, R., Gardner, C., Georgeson, L., Hansen, S., Hartmann, K., Hone, P., Horvat, P., Maloney, L., McDonald, B., Moore, A., Roelofs, A., Sainsbury, K., Saunders, T., Smith, T., Stewardson, C., Stewart, J., and Wise, B. (eds). (2014). Status of key Australian fish stocks report 2014. Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Canberra.

Fowler AJ, Jennings PR (2003).  Dynamics in 0+ recruitment and early life history for snapper (Pagrus auratus, Sparidae) in South Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research 54: 941-956.

Fowler, A.J. and McGarvey, R. (2006). The effects of fishery closures in 2000-2005 on the snapper fishery of South Australia. Report to PIRSA Fisheries (PDF 1.0 MB). Aquatic Sciences Publication No. RD06/0006-1. SARDI Research Report Series No. 148.

Fowler, A.J., McGarvey, R., Feenstra, J.E. and Jackson, W.B. (2007). Snapper (Pagrus auratus) Fishery. Fishery Assessment Report to PIRSA for the Marine Scalefish Fishery Management Committee (PDF 2.4 MB). South Australian Research and Development Institute (Aquatic Sciences), Adelaide. Publication No. F2007/000523-1. SARDI Research Report Series No. 224.

Fowler, A.J., McGarvey, R., Burch, P., Feenstra, J.E. and Jackson, W.B. (2010). Snapper (Chrysophrys auratus) Fishery (PDF 2.8 MB). Fishery Assessment Report to PIRSA. South Australian Research and Development Institute (Aquatic Sciences), Adelaide, F2007/000523-2, SARDI Research Report Series No. 473.

Fowler A.J., Steer, M.A., Huveneers, C., Lloyd, M.T. and Jackson, W.B. (2012). Understanding the movement of Snapper (Pagrus auratus) and its contribution to the changing spatial structure of South Australia’s Snapper Fishery (PDF 2.4 MB). Progress report for 2011-12. South Australian Research and Development Institute (Aquatic Sciences), Adelaide. F2012/000366-1. SARDI Research Report Series No. 650. 69pp.

Fowler, A.J., Steer, M.A., McGarvey, R., Smart, J. (2019) Snapper (Chrysophrys auratus) Fishery. Fishery Assessment Report to PIRSA Fisheries and Aquaculture (PDF 1.7 MB). South Australian Research and Development Institute (Aquatic Sciences), Adelaide. F2019/000331-1. SARDI Research Report Series No. 1031. 68pp.

Fowler, A.J., McGarvey, R., Burch, P., Feenstra, J.E., Jackson, W.B. and Lloyd, M.T. (2013). Snapper (Chrysophrys auratus) Fishery (PDF 6.2 MB). Fishery Assessment Report to PIRSA Fisheries and Aquaculture. South Australian Research and Development Institute (Aquatic Sciences), Adelaide. F2007/000523-3. SARDI Research Report Series No. 713. 103pp.

Fowler, A.J. and McGarvey, R. (2014). Assessing the effects of South Australia’s snapper spawning spatial closures (PDF 2.8 MB). Report to PIRSA Fisheries and Aquaculture. South Australian Research and Development Institute (Aquatic Sciences), Adelaide. SARDI Publication No. F2014/000689-1. SARDI Research Report Series No. 803. 25pp

Fowler AJ (2016) The influence of fish movement on regional fishery production and stock structure for South Australia’s Snapper (Chrysophrys auratus) fishery. FRDC Project 2012/020. Final Report.

Fowler, A.J., McGarvey, R., Carroll, J., Feenstra, J.E., Jackson, W.B. and Lloyd, M.T. (2016). Snapper (Chrysophrys auratus) Fishery. Fishery Assessment Report to PIRSA Fisheries and Aquaculture (PDF 6.6 MB). South Australian Research and Development Institute (Aquatic Sciences), Adelaide. F2007/000523-4. SARDI Research Report Series No. 930. 82pp.

Giri, K and Hall, K. (2015) South Australian Recreational Fishing Survey 2013/14, Fisheries Victoria Internal Report Series No. 62, Victorian Government, Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources.

Henry, G.W. & Lyle, J.M. (2003). The National Recreational and Indigenous Fishing Survey. FRDC Project No. 99/158.

Jones, K (2009), 2007/08 South Australian Recreational Fishing Survey. The South Australian Fisheries Management Series Paper 54, 84p. Primary Industries and Regions South Australia.

McGarvey, R., Burch, P. and Feenstra, J.E. (2010). Management Strategy Evaluation for South Australian Snapper (PDF 340.0 KB (PDF 340.0 KB)). South Australian Research and Development Institute (Aquatic Sciences), Adelaide. SARDI Publication No. F2010/000226-1. SARDI Research Report Series No. 441.

PIRSA. (2011). Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) Risk Assessment of the South Australian Marine Scalefish Fishery. Primary Industries and Regions South Australia, Adelaide.

PIRSA. (2013). Management Plan for the South Australian Commercial Marine Scalefish Fishery. South Australian Fisheries Management Series: Paper No. 59. Primary Industries and Regions South Australia, Adelaide. 141 pp

PIRSA. (2016) Report of the Marine Scalefish Fishery Strategic Review. Developed by the Marine Scalefish Fishery Strategic Review Working Group. Primary Industries and Regions South Australia, Adelaide.

PIRSA. (2017). Management Plan for Recreational Fishing in South Australia. South Australian Fisheries Management Series: Paper No. 73. Primary Industries and Regions South Australia, Adelaide. 56 pp

Steer, M.A., Fowler, A.J., McGarvey, R., Feenstra, J., Smart, J., Rogers, P.J., Earl, J., Beckmann, C., Drew, M. and Matthews, J.(2018). Assessment of the South Australian Marine Scalefish Fishery in 2017. Report to PIRSA Fisheries and Aquaculture.South Australian Research and Development Institute (Aquatic Sciences), Adelaide (PDF 8.6 MB). SARDI Publication No. F2017/000427-2. SARDI Research Report Series No. 1002. 230pp.

Steer, M.A., McGarvey. R., Oxley, A., Fowler, A.J., Grammer, G., Ward, T.M., Westlake, E., Matthews, D. and Matthews, J. South Australian Research and Development Institute (Aquatic Sciences) 2017, Developing a fishery independent estimate of biomass for Snapper (Chrysophrys auratus) (PDF 2.5 MB). Adelaide, June.

Page last reviewed: 27 Sep 2019


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