Climate change actions

Climate change presents challenges to the sustainability and productivity of:

  • agriculture
  • water resources
  • natural and urban landscapes
  • habitats.

It also presents opportunities to capitalise on new markets, build resilience, and sustain prosperity.

South Australian Government Climate Change Actions

The South Australian Government Climate Change Actions outline practical actions the government is taking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build a strong economy that is adaptable to climate change.

The actions have 7 focus areas. Focus area 3: Agriculture, landscapes and habitats; presents objectives and actions for PIRSA to build a more resilient primary industry sector and landscape.

The key objectives of focus area 3 are to:

  • support the agriculture sector to adapt, innovate, and reduce net emissions
  • support expansion of carbon farming and blue carbon
  • ensure secure, climate resilient regional and urban water supplies
  • build the climate resilience of landscapes, habitats and natural resources.

PIRSA is responsible for leading the following actions.

Action 3.1 – identify and develop climate smart aquaculture opportunities

The government will work with industry to investigate and support industry development in new aquaculture opportunities, such as new climate-resilient species and commercial-scale seaweed for feed supplements to reduce livestock methane emissions.

Action 3.2 – support primary producers in adaptation planning, reducing net emissions and identifying economic opportunities

The government will engage with primary producers, industry peak bodies and key stakeholders on climate related risks and opportunities, provide relevant information and connect them to opportunities that will support climate resilience, adaptation and net emissions reduction.

Action 3.4 – support uptake of carbon farming opportunities

The government will implement a Carbon Farming Roadmap to identify opportunities and remove barriers to uptake of emissions reduction and carbon sequestration opportunities in soils, vegetation, forestry and livestock management.

Page last reviewed: 07 Nov 2023


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