Crop protection

Diseases and outbreaks

Fruit fly

The history of fruit fly in Australia:

The Department of Agriculture undertook various research programs and surveys to determine the most appropriate forms of protecting or treating crops from diseases and pests. This document is an example of the reports of survey work that were published in the Department's Journal of Agriculture.

A survey of insecticide use on fruit trees and grapevines in the Riverland of South Australia

Locusts and grasshoppers

J.D. McAuliffe's 'The Australian plaque Locust Control Campaign of 1955' – Agronomy Branch Report No. 84 (PDF 1.8 MB)

South Australia. Plague Locust Review Committee, ‘The plague locust control campaign – South Australia - 1976-77; Recommendations for the future control of the plague locust in South Australia’ – Agronomy Branch report No. 83 (PDF 926.8 KB)

SARDI root disease testing service

The attached article describes the development of a very innovative and successful diagnostic program, commenced around 1992 and continuing today, PreDicta B soil testing.

The article appeared in the November 2017 Edition of the Grains Research and Development Corporation's Ground Cover.  We thank the Corporation for giving permission to reproduce this article.

SARDI root disease testing service article - GRDC Groundcover 2017 (PDF 7.0 MB)

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