Full Site Map
- Primary industries
- Aquaculture
- Land-based aquaculture
- Marine aquaculture
- Monitoring and assessment
- Leasing and licensing
- Applying for a land-based aquaculture licence
- Land-based licence holder responsibilities
- Applying for a marine aquaculture lease and licence
- Marine licence holder responsibilities
- Annual fees
- Application fees
- Services to aquaculture industry – cost recovery
- Applying to extend a production lease term
- Aquatic animal health
- Aquaculture public register
- Policy and legislation for aquaculture
- Aquaculture community consultation
- Publications
- Aquaculture contacts
- Commercial fishing
- Food and beverage
- Forestry
- Grains and crops
- Grape and wine
- Horticulture
- Livestock, wool and dairy
- Aquaculture
- Regions
- Science and innovation
- About SARDI
- Research focus
- Tools and commercial services
- Crop diagnostics
- Molecular diagnostics
- Australian Pastures Genebank
- Seed Services Australia
- Insect identification service
- PestFacts map
- Russian wheat aphid action threshold calculator
- eSA-Marine system
- Publications and reports
- AgTech
- Snapper recovery
- Biosecurity
- Animal health
- Animal species requirements
- Reporting animal disease
- Disease surveillance initiatives
- Veterinary resources
- Animal welfare and feeding controls
- Help sick or injured wildlife
- One Biosecurity
- Contact Animal Health
- Livestock movement
- Aquatics
- Food safety
- Fruit fly
- Check the fruit fly outbreak map
- Understand the outbreak restrictions
- Red outbreak area restrictions
- Yellow outbreak area restrictions
- Green outbreak area restrictions
- Restricted fruit and vegetables
- Fruit and vegetables without restrictions during a fruit fly outbreak
- Prevent fruit fly in your garden
- Disposing of restricted fruit and vegetable waste during an outbreak
- Travel restrictions for fruit and vegetables in South Australia
- Industry support to prepare for and manage a fruit fly outbreak
- Prepare your business for a fruit fly outbreak
- Fruit fly restrictions for growers and producers
- Options for metro growers
- Restrictions for growers and producers selling restricted fruit and vegetables
- Storing, packing and transporting fruit and vegetables from fruit fly affected areas
- Treatment options for the movement of restricted fruit and vegetables
- Harvested fruit and vegetables from a red outbreak area (Corrective Action Zone, or CAZ)
- Transporters carrying fruit and vegetables during a fruit fly outbreak
- Self-baiting program
- Retailers and wholesalers
- SMS notification pilot program
- Customer service charter
- About fruit fly
- News and resources
- Latest news
- Translated fruit fly information
- موارد باللغة العربية / Resources in Arabic
- 资源-中文简体 / Resources in Chinese Simplified
- منابع به زبان دری / Resources in Dari
- English / Resources in English
- Πηγές στα Ελληνικά / Resources in Greek
- स्रोत हिन्दी में / Resources in Hindi
- Risorse in Italiano / Resources in Italian
- منابع به زبان فارسی / Resources in Persian
- Źródła w języku polskim / Resources in Polish
- ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਸਾਧਨ / Resources in Punjabi
- Recursos en español / Resources in Spanish
- Mga Mapagkukunan sa wikang Filipino / Resources in Tagalog
- Tài liệu bằng Việt Ngữ / Resources in Vietnamese
- Fruit fly resource kits
- Recipes
- Introduced and pest animals
- Plant health
- Rural chemicals
- Weeds
- Identifying declared weeds in SA
- African boxthorn
- African feathergrass
- African lovegrass
- African rue
- Aleppo pine
- Alisma
- Alkali sida
- Alligator weed
- Apple-of-Sodom
- Arum lily
- Asparagus fern
- Athel pine
- Austrocylindropuntia cacti
- Azarola
- Bathurst burr
- Bellyache bush
- Berry heath
- Bifora
- Blackberry, European
- Bladder campion
- Blue mustard
- Bluebell creeper
- Boneseed
- Box elder
- Bridal creeper
- Bridal veil
- Broomrapes
- Buffel grass
- Bulbil watsonia
- Bundy blackberry
- Cabomba
- Calomba daisy
- Caltrop
- Cane needlegrass
- Cape broom
- Cape tulip (one and two leaved)
- Carrion flower
- Cats claw creeper
- Chilean needlegrass
- Climbing asparagus fern
- Coastal tea-tree
- Common lantana
- Coolatai grass
- Creeping knapweed
- Cutleaf mignonette
- Cylindropuntia cacti (devils rope, Hudson pear)
- Desert ash
- Distichlis (seed bearing forms)
- Dodder
- Dog rose
- Dolichos pea
- Dune onionweed
- Elodea
- English broom
- Espartillo grasses
- Eurasian water milfoil
- False caper
- Field bindweed
- Field garlic
- Fireweed
- Flax-leaf broom
- Fountain grass
- Gamba grass
- Gazania
- Giant arrowhead
- Giant reed
- Gorse
- Ground asparagus
- Hoary cress
- Horehound
- Horsetails
- Hydrocotyle
- Hymenachne
- Innocent weed
- Italian buckthorn
- Khaki weed
- Kochia
- Lagarosiphon
- Leafy elodea
- Lincoln weed
- Madeira vine
- May
- Mesquite
- Mexican feathergrass
- Miconia
- Mimosa
- Mirror bush
- Muskweed
- Nightstock
- Noogoora burrs
- Nutgrass
- Olive (wilding)
- Opuntia cacti (prickly pear/wheel cactus)
- Orange hawkweed
- Ornamental asparagus
- Pampas grasses
- Parkinsonia
- Parrot feather
- Parthenium weed
- Perennial ragweed
- Perennial thistle
- Plumerillo
- Poison buttercup
- Poison ivy
- Polygala
- Pond apple
- Prickly acacia
- Primrose willow
- Ragwort
- Rhus tree
- Rubber vine
- Sagittaria
- Salvation Jane
- Salvinia
- Senegal tea plant
- Serrated tussock
- Silverleaf nightshade
- Skeleton weed
- Spiny rush
- Swamp oak
- Sweet briar
- Sweet pittosporum
- Tamarisks
- Tasmanian blue gum (wilding)
- Texas needlegrass
- Three corner jack
- Three-cornered garlic
- Three-horned bedstraw
- Toe toe
- Tree heath
- Variegated thistle
- Water caltrop
- Water dropwort
- Water hyacinth
- Water soldier
- White weeping brooms
- Wild artichoke
- Willows
- Witchweeds
- Yellow burrweed
- Reporting alert weeds
- Managing weeds
- Landholder responsibilities
- Weed management programs
- Identifying declared weeds in SA
- Animal health
- Recreational fishing
- Rules
- Fishing limits search
- Fishing closures
- Fishing gear, bait and berley
- Permitted fishing gear
- Bait fork or spade
- Bait pump
- Bow and arrow
- Cockle net
- Crab rake
- Dip tin
- Drop net
- Hand fish spear, spear gun and powerheads
- Hand net
- Hook sizes and traces
- Hoop net
- Mesh net
- Mussel dredge
- Pyramid net
- Razorfish tongs
- Release weight
- Rock Lobster pot
- Rock Lobster snare
- Rod and handline
- Shrimp trap
- Teaser line
- Gear combination rules
- Registering and marking your gear
- Illegal fishing gear
- Bait and berley
- Permitted fishing gear
- Protected and pest species
- Illegal catch sales
- Reservoir fishing
- Reporting (Fishwatch)
- Responsible fishing skills
- Community engagement
- Managing recreational fishing
- Aboriginal traditional fishing
- Shark fishing and safety
- Rules
- Emergencies and recovery
- Alerts, News & Events
- About us
- Careers
- contact
- Legislative reform
Page last reviewed: 19 Jan 2015