Assistance and advice

South Australian assistance guide for primary producers

A range of services and assistance are available to support primary producers in challenging times.

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Primary producers in need of assistance and advice can utilise a range of services to help their businesses.

Financial counselling and support

Rural Business Support offers free rural financial counselling services that are confidential and impartial.

Rural Aid provides critical support to farmers affected by natural disaster through financial, wellbeing, and fodder assistance.

Farm household allowance

The Farm Household Allowance program assists commercial-scale farmers and their partners experiencing financial hardship through a package of tailored support.

Tax management

The Australian Taxation Office's drought support helps individuals, businesses, and primary producers to manage their finances when facing drought.

Farm management deposits (FMD) allow eligible primary producers to set aside pre-tax income in years of high cash flow and withdraw it in low-income years. When withdrawing from your FMD account, the deposits count as part of your assessable income for that year.

Loans for farmers

The Regional Investment Corporation can loan up to $2 million to eligible farm businesses preparing for, managing through, and recovering from drought. The Drought Loan offers low interest with no fees.

Eligible farm-related small businesses can apply for the AgBiz Drought Loan for amounts up to $500,000. You must be, or have been, supplying goods or services relating to primary production to farm businesses located in a drought-affected area.

Farm debt mediation

Before a creditor can foreclose on a farming operation, they are required under the Farm Debt Mediation Act 2018 to offer mediation through the Office of the Small Business Commissioner. This ensures SA farmers are better protected with greater financial security.

Fees apply for each mediation. Find out about farm debt mediation.

Legal services

Free legal advice and minor assistance is available via the Legal Services Commission of South Australia. For urgent advice during weekdays (9 am to 4.30 pm) call 1300 366 424.

When services are needed beyond simple advice, legal aid is available to eligible people for specified matters. Read the guidelines and conditions for applying for legal aid.

Free disaster legal help is also delivered for those affected by emergency events.

For non-urgent advice, the Law Society provides legal support on a variety of matters. Contact their register of lawyers for free legal assistance during and after disaster recovery situations.

Land Access Dispute Resolution Code

Farmers and resource companies can access an enforceable, mandatory dispute resolution framework that assists in dealing with land access issues. Read more in the Mining and Resources Industry Land Access Dispute Resolution Code.

More information

PIRSA Recovery Hotline

If you are living with drought or affected by emergency events, our experienced staff are dedicated to helping with funding applications, discussing your situation, and finding the support you need.

Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm

Freecall 1800 931 314
Page last reviewed: 18 Oct 2024


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