Crop and pasture reports

The Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA) publishes regular reports on the condition of crops and pastures in South Australia. The report provides the estimates of the area and the production for each crop and district during the cropping season.

Crop estimates are based on information provided to PIRSA and are updated throughout the season as conditions change and further information becomes available. They provide an indication of crop potential at the time the report is prepared.

Latest report

South Australian Crop and Pasture Report 2024–25 Spring Crop Performance

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  • Despite widespread rain events during October, well below average rainfall has occurred for the 2024 growing season for all cropping regions of South Australia.
  • The outlook for December is suggesting an increased chance of exceeding median rainfall for most of South Australia, which may impact harvest progress and grain quality in later regions.
  • Crop performance has been poor in many regions, with yield potential limited by the combination of late crop emergence, a dry winter, and the early onset of spring conditions.
  • Severe frost events in September have led to further yield reductions and an increase in hay area and production as a salvage strategy.
  • Early yield reports from harvested crops are significantly below average as expected, however widespread rainfall during October has stabilised crop yield potential in later districts due to improved grain and pod fill, and slower grain maturation. Crop yields were further advantaged by a lack of extreme heat and wind events.
  • The estimate of total cropping area has been reduced by 1.7% (~65,000 ha), which is mainly due to wheat and some canola being cut for hay. In marginal cropping regions, significant areas of failed crops have been utilised for grazing rather than being harvested.
  • The current estimated grain production for 2024–25 has been reduced to 5.3 million tonnes, which is 42% below the five-year average and the lowest total since 2008–09 (4.9 million tonnes).
  • The estimated farmgate value of grain is $2.1 billion.

Crop and pasture report dashboard

The PIRSA crop and pasture report dashboard displays crop area and production data, providing a simple source of crop statistical information.

South Australian crop area, production, and yield are searchable by reporting district, crop type, and season.

The data dates from the 1999–2000 season, up to and including the current season.

Crop reporting districts map

Crop estimates for a season are based on the districts defined in the following map.

Older reports






Page last reviewed: 09 Dec 2024


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