Grains Farm Biosecurity Program

The Grains Farm Biosecurity Program (GFBP) improves our preparedness for risks in the grains industry, at farm and industry levels.

The GFBP is Australia’s flagship biosecurity extension program, launched in 2007. It is managed by Plant Health Australia (PHA) and funded by growers through Grain Producers Australia (GPA), with support from South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia, New South Wales, and Queensland state governments.

The GFBP helps the grains industry by:

  • developing and distributing biosecurity material
  • raising awareness of priority pests and national issues
  • demonstrating simple methods to implement biosecurity on-farm
  • facilitating surveillance data recording
  • communicating consistent biosecurity messaging throughout the grains supply chain.

Learn more about the Grains Farm Biosecurity Program, including industry news, farm resources, and the biosecurity manual for grain producers.

Grains biosecurity officers

As part of the program, each state employs a Grains Biosecurity Officer (GBO) who promotes on-farm practices that reduce endemic and exotic pests. GBOs work across these areas:

  1. surveillance coordination
  2. sharing information on managing farm biosecurity risk
  3. enhancing industry awareness and preparedness.

The GBOs have distributed thousands of farm biosecurity signs and helped growers set up daily activities to protect their business and the industry. They are also responsible for:

  • developing contingency plans to protect commodities from exotic pests
  • delivering workshops across the state
  • communicating and consulting with stakeholders.

Protect your grains from biosecurity risks by reading the articles from South Australia’s GBO.


Shafiya Hussein – Grains Biosecurity Officer

Exotic Plant Pest Hotline

Suspected plant diseases, exotic pests, or noxious weeds must be reported immediately.

Call us if you find plant pests or diseases that could be a national threat, even if you are unsure.

24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Freecall 1800 084 881
Page last reviewed: 16 Aug 2023


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