
Phylloxera and Grape Industry Act

The Phylloxera and Grape Industry Act 1995 establishes Vinehealth Australia – the independent statutory authority in SA focused on grape and wine biosecurity.

Vinehealth Australia protects SA vineyards from significant pests and diseases, such as phylloxera. This role involves:

  • providing education and awareness
  • developing policy and standards
  • ensuring regulatory compliance
  • advocating industry research and development.

Wine Grapes Industry Act

The Wine Grapes Industry Act 1991 specifies:

  • the time for payment of wine grapes that must be made by wine processors, as set in the SA Government Gazette No. 25, 18 March 2004,  p. 819 (PDF).
  • it is an offence for wine processors to accept delivery of wine grapes unless the processor has paid in full for all the grapes it received in previous years.

Primary Industry Funding Schemes Act

The Primary Industry Funding Schemes Act 1998 establishes 7 grape and wine industry funds, to allow our wine growing regions to promote and develop themselves.


Ainsley Maconochie – Program Lead, Primary Industry Funding Schemes

Email: ainsley.maconochie@sa.gov.au
Page last reviewed: 30 Jul 2016


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