Reducing smoke taint in grapes

Grain producers burn paddock stubble as part of preparation for seeding, to improve passage of seeding equipment. In addition, stubble is burnt to reduce:

  • disease
  • weed seeds, particularly weed populations with herbicide resistance
  • pests, including snails.

Smoke from stubble and other burning may affect grapes still on the vine. The components of smoke bind to compounds in the grapes, giving the wine a smoky, ashy 'taint' – an undesirable characteristic that can make the wine unsaleable.

Smoke management policy and guideline

Grain producers should refer to the Broadacre burn-off smoke management guideline (PDF 846.2 KB) – which outlines the best possible approach agreed to by the winegrape and grain industry for managing smoke from broadacre stubble burns to mitigate risk of damage to unharvested winegrapes.

Producers should also refer to the CFS Smoke management policy available at Farm fire safety and prevention.

The policy and guidelines provide tools for communication between grape growers and grain producers, and a checklist for both to follow in planning a stubble burn and communicating status of grape vintage.

Fire permits for private land

You must apply for a fire permit for private land burn offs during the fire danger season. Permits are issued by your local council, in close connection with the SA Country Fire Service (CFS).

Fire permits for private land burn offs are not required outside of the fire danger season unless a total fire ban in declared.

Fire danger season dates

Depending on the fire ban district, the fire danger season usually finishes mid-April, and state-wide by 30 April. Season dates are often extended, due to above or below average weather conditions.

We recommend checking the CFS website prior to planning burns to see which conditions and requirements you need to observe.

How to safely burn stubble

See Farm fire safety and prevention on the CFS website for guidance on safe broad acre stubble burning.


Bodhi Edwards – Senior Industry Adviser
Phone: (08) 8429 3132

Page last reviewed: 30 Mar 2023


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