Fishing gear, bait and berley

Biosecurity alert

Play your part to prevent the spread of abalone disease (AVG).

Check, clean, dry all fishing and marine equipment.

Find out more

There are restrictions on the number and types of recreational fishing gear you can use. It is your responsibility to know the rules that apply to your methods of fishing.

Before going fishing, read the below information and:

  1. Check whether you are allowed to use your gear and if it meets legal specifications.
  2. Make sure your gear is registered, marked, or tagged if it needs to be.
  3. Find out how many of each device and which combinations you can use.
  4. Understand the rules for using bait and berley.

Any equipment that is not compliant is considered illegal fishing gear and may be seized and forfeited.

Fishwatch Hotline

Call the Fishwatch Hotline for information about:

  • rules and regulations
  • licensing and registration
  • reporting shark sightings

24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Freecall 1800 065 522 Go to Reporting (Fishwatch)
Page last reviewed: 06 Feb 2025


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