Commercial size limits
Commercial fishing size limits are in place for many South Australian fish species.
Please note that any species that is not listed does not have a size limit.
As well as commercial fishing licence holders, fish processors also have a duty to check for undersize fish as soon as possible after the consignment is received.
If an undersized fish is found, a written record detailing the species and quantity must be kept. The fish must be rendered unsuitable for sale and then disposed of appropriately.
Minimum legal size limits for some fish species are in place to allow fish to:
- reach maturity
- complete their breeding cycle
- contribute to sustainable fish stocks.
Blacklip Abalone
Measured across the widest part of shell / meat weight.
- Southern Zone – Spatially managed areas, please consult local Fisheries Officers.
- All other waters – 13 cm / 113 gm
Black Bream
- 30 cm
Blue Morwong
Measured from tip of snout to tip of tail.
- 38 cm
Blue Swimmer Crab
Measured across the carapace from the base of the largest spines.
- 11 cm
Bugs (Ibacus spp)
Measured at widest part of the carapace.
- 10.2 cm
- 30 cm
- 25 cm
Measured from upper jaw to the tip of the tail.
- 23 cm
Giant Crab
Measured from top to bottom of the carapace.
- 15 cm
Greenlip Abalone
Measured across the widest part of shell / meat weight.
- Western Zone – 14.5cm / 140 gm
- All other waters – 13 cm / 113 gm
Gummy Shark
Measured from the 5th gill slit to the base of the tail.
- 45 cm
King George Whiting
- East of longitude 136° - 32 cm
- West of longitude 136° - 30 cm
- 21cm
- Coorong – 46 cm
- All other waters – 82 cm
Pipi (Goolwa Cockle)
Measured at the widest part of the shell.
- 3.5 cm
Redfish, Bight Redfish and Swallowtail
- 30 cm
- 88 cm
Sand Crab
Measured at widest part of the carapace.
- 10 cm
- 6.5 cm
- 21 cm
School Shark
Measured from the 5th gill slit to the base of the tail.
- 45 cm
Silver Trevally
- 24 cm
- 38 cm for snapper caught by commercial fishers who hold South East Snapper quota
- No transfer of Snapper onto other vessels will be permitted whilst at sea
- Commercial fishers may apply for a Ministerial exemption to transit through the closed area with snapper on board their vessel
- Mandatory reporting is in place. Prior to fishing and prior to landing reporting and a catch and disposal record are required for any take of snapper.
- 41 cm
Southern Rock Lobster
Measured along the middle and on the top of the carapace (the main body shell) from the front edge of the groove between the antennae (frontal tubercule) to the rear edge of the carapace (but not including any hairs attached to the carapace). The measuring device used must be able to fit firmly into the groove between the antennae.
- Southern Zone - 9.85 cm
- Northern Zone – 10.5 cm
- 24 cm
Vongole (Mud Cockle)
Measured at the widest part of the shell.
- Coffin Bay (Yellows and Whites only) - 3.5 cm
- All other species / waters - 3.0 cm
Excludes Western Blue Groper which cannot be taken.
- 25 cm
Yellowfin Whiting
- 24 cm
Yellowtail Kingfish
Measured from tip of snout to tip of tail.
- 60 cm