Apiary Industry Fund

The Apiary Industry Fund supports South Australian beekeepers, using payments to carry out projects and activities that benefit the industry.

Funds are collected in accordance with the Primary Industry Funding Schemes (Apiary Industry Fund) Regulations 2016.

Contributing to the fund

Registered beekeepers who keep 5 or more hives must pay $1 per hive to the Apiary Industry Fund, when registering or renewing their registrations.

See the instructions on beekeeper registration.

Contribution refunds

Applications can be made to refund contributions to apiarists. To request a refund:

  1. Complete an Apiary Industry Fund Refund Request Form (PDF 317.5 KB).
  2. Provide evidence that the contribution was paid – this can be a tax invoice from the registration or renewal process.

After a refund, contributors are not entitled to any direct service or benefit from the fund for 2 years.

Fund management

The Primary Industry Funding Schemes Act 1998 requires management plans for each industry fund to be revised annually and presented at a public meeting. It:

  • guides the operation of the fund
  • helps contributors understand how their contributions are to be used.

The latest management plan was presented at public meeting on 20 August 2024:

The Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development is the administrator of the fund.

Annual reports


Olivia Pineau – Senior Industry Adviser
Phone: (08) 7133 7568
Email: pirsa.pifs@sa.gov.au

Page last reviewed: 22 Aug 2024


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