On-farm Drought Infrastructure Rebate Scheme

Key dates

The scheme will close when the $5 million funding for this round is exhausted.

Grant funding is only available for eligible items paid for on or after 26 November 2024.

Pre-approved activities must be completed within 6 months of written pre-approval date.

Grant details

The On-Farm Drought Infrastructure Rebate Scheme is for primary producers to implement infrastructure projects that assist with managing current drought conditions and strengthen preparedness for future droughts.

Applicants may now seek pre-approval of eligible activities before the costs are incurred. This provides certainty of receiving funding once full costs have been incurred.


Successful applicants must be able to cover the full cost of the infrastructure and will be reimbursed through the grant for 75% of the total cost up to a maximum grant of $5,000 (GST exclusive).

Applicants must contribute at least 25% of the total infrastructure cost. Other government funding, including grants, concessional loans, or insurance claim funds, cannot be used towards the applicant's contribution.


To apply for this rebate, the following conditions must be met:

  • You are a property owner, share-farmer or lessee in the primary production industry.
  • Your business is registered with the Australian Taxation Office as a Primary Producer and has an Australian Business Number (ABN) that was registered as at 26 November 2024 and is registered for GST.
  • Your property is located in South Australia.
  • As the property owner and operator, share-farmer or lessee, you must either:
    • earn more than 50% of your gross income from your primary production business under normal seasonal circumstances, or
    • have commenced your farming operation within the last 12 months and 50% of your gross income will be derived from your primary production business within 3 years of the date of your application – eligibility of new entrants will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • You are required to cover 25% of the costs after any eligible rebate, excluding insurance, other government grants or concessional loans.
  • The drought infrastructure in respect of your application is installed on your property and improves drought management and preparedness.
  • You purchased and installed new eligible drought infrastructure, or repaired or replaced existing eligible drought infrastructure, on or after 26 November 2024.
  • You have not received funding from another South Australian or Australian Government program in respect of the same activities.

You are not eligible to apply for funding under the scheme if you did not meet all the terms and conditions placed on any previous Government of South Australia funding, grant or concessional loan provided to you.

How to apply

Read the On-farm Drought Infrastructure Rebate Scheme Guidelines (PDF 171.7 KB) then consider whether applying to the program is right for your business.

You must include the following supporting documentation with your application:

  • Copies of all tax invoices and receipts (or quotes if seeking pre-approval) showing:
    • details of the goods or services supplied, clearly identifiable as related to drought management and preparedness infrastructure costs
    • GST exclusive cost of those goods or services
    • your business name, address and ABN.
  • Copies of any approvals required to complete activities as part of this application.
  • Completed and signed acquittal form (DOCX 792.7 KB).

Complete your application

  1. Open the rebate application form on the myPIRSA portal.
  2. Login or register for myPIRSA. You may receive a message confirming that your myPIRSA service for the On-farm Drought Infrastructure Rebate Scheme is now available – this means you can now sign in and complete your application.
  3. Select 'Launch service' (blue button).
  4. Click 'submit' (blue button).
  5. Select 'On-Farm Drought Infrastructure Rebate Scheme' approved service (green and white button).
  6. Provide all requested information and supporting documents. For pre-approval requests, please attach quotes where receipts are required and attach a blank acquittal form.
  7. Submit your application.

You will receive a receipt number on screen and via email after submitting the form.

Applications will enter the assessment queue when all required information is provided. Applications will be assessed by PIRSA in the order they are received.

Notice for pre-approval submissions

If you’ve applied for pre-approval and have received an outcome letter, please do not submit another application. Follow the instructions on the outcome letter to submit your pre-approval evidence of payment.


For information about this grant and preparing your application, please contact:

Phone: 1800 931 314
Email: PIRSA.Recovery@sa.gov.au

For information about the status of your submitted application, please contact:

Phone: 1800 931 314
Email: PIRSA.GrantsEnquiries@sa.gov.au

Page last reviewed: 07 Jan 2025


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