Crop Watch 26 July 2023

SARDI Crop Watch

First wheat stripe rust reports of the season

SARDI Cereal Pathology have received several reports of wheat stripe rust south of Naracoorte in the South East. Hotspots of the rust have been sighted in the region predominantly on the susceptible variety Rockstar. These reports indicate an early start for the disease this growing season. Growers from all regions are urged to monitor their paddocks for the disease. Stripe rust has an optimal temperature range of 8°C to 15°C and thrives in damp wet conditions. Conducive conditions are likely to continue throughout winter, and spray strategies should be prepared in readiness for stripe rust control.

Check the stripe rust varietal disease ratings for risk level in your paddocks.

Individual ratings are listed for three of the common stripe rust pathotypes in the state, and the combined rating is listed as the 2023 East Coast rating.

Stripe rust on Rockstar wheat south of Naracoorte (photo: A. Hancock)
Stripe rust on Rockstar wheat south of Naracoorte (photo: A. Hancock)

Sample submission – rust pathotyping

There are multiple pathotypes of wheat stripe rust in South Australia and varietal resistance can be pathotype specific. Rust pathotyping is conducted through the Australian Cereal Rust Survey at the University of Sydney. We strongly encourage submitting samples to the survey either directly or via SARDI Cereal Pathology.

Decision support tool

A decision support app StripeRust WM is available to help growers and advisors make fungicide decisions based on a forecasting model and potential economic returns.

Stay up to date with the latest disease-related issues and solutions for broadacre crops during the growing season.

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Page last reviewed: 27 Jul 2023


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