The State Government's principal research institute

For over 30 years, our renowned research and development activities have helped to leverage South Australia’s competitive advantages.

We strive for excellence and apply rigorous scientific principles.

SARDI works with key industries and organisations, primary producers, and research institutions. We invite collaboration requests from research partners.

South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI)

SARDI is known for:

  • increasing the productivity, adaptability, and economy of SA's primary industries
  • enabling sustainable use of natural resources
  • creating opportunities for market growth
  • addressing agricultural barriers and providing applied solutions.

Our scientists are highly skilled and experienced, many recognised nationally and internationally as leaders in their fields. They are backed by dedicated technical, field, and support staff.

SARDI Strategic Plan 2023–2028

SARDI's evolutionary pathway involves delivering innovation through collaboration.

The strategic plan outlines the vision, mission, strengths, and opportunities that will guide us over the next 5 years. It forms the framework to achieve SARDI's mandate as a key economic development asset for the state.

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Contact our research centres if you have questions relevant to our research specialties.

We also welcome collaboration opportunities. Please direct enquiries to Prof. Mike Steer, Executive Director.

Email: pirsa.sardi@sa.gov.au
Page last reviewed: 23 Oct 2024


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