Research centres and facilities

South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI) scientists use some of the most advanced facilities and infrastructure in Australia. Our network of research centres, laboratories, and field sites support their innovative work.

Waite campus

The University of Adelaide's Waite campus is a leading agricultural research, education, and commercialisation cluster. We share the precinct and collaborate with principal research providers.


SARDI's corporate headquarters are located at the campus, in the Plant Research Centre.

The centre houses national facilities for advanced field crop research and molecular diagnostics. It works towards meeting market demands and managing sustainable resources.

South Australian Aquatic Sciences Centre

The South Australian Aquatic Sciences Centre (SAASC) is the state's leading facility for research in marine and inland fisheries, aquaculture, marine biotechnology, and environmental and ecosystem ecology.

The centre enhances economic growth in SA and enables conservation of natural resources.

Regional centres

Our regional research facilities provide local employment, community and industry development, and farm technology demonstrations.

These sites specialise in science that leverages their locations:

SARDI also runs the Southern Coastal Research Vessel Fleet, including the MRV Ngerin.


Contact us for details of our research centres.

Page last reviewed: 10 Jul 2023


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