Agronomist accreditation

Only a trained agronomist can determine the relationship between the level of pathogen DNA in the soil and disease incidence in the field. This is affected by factors such as:

  • seasonal conditions
  • soil type
  • agronomic practices
  • the crop and variety previously planted.

Predicta-accredited agronomists are responsible for supervising sampling, interpreting results, and providing management advice to reduce the risk of broadacre yield loss.

SARDI offers a short course for agronomists to become accredited and deliver Predicta B and Predicta rNod services.

Contact us to register your interest in attending, or for information about our annual Predicta Pt courses.

Predicta B and Predicta rNod course

The one-day accreditation course features:

  • presentations from leading researchers who specialise in soil-borne diseases within each cropping region
  • a demonstration of the correct soil sampling protocol
  • practical exercises in interpreting Predicta results.

Courses are held each year, usually between late October to early December. At least one course is held in each cropping region and venues are announced in September.

The accreditation course costs approximately $385.

Accreditation benefits

Upon course completion, participants will receive:

  1. a soil corer appropriate for the region
  2. the Broadacre Soilborne Disease Manual, covering all pathogens in the Predicta B reports and the related:
    • crop and plant symptoms
    • host range
    • yield loss risk categories
    • impacts of management and season
    • management options
    • guidelines for interpreting test results
    • guidelines for understanding rhizobia inoculation and interpreting soil rhizobium test results
  3. access to the online resource manual, which is regularly updated
  4. an agronomist ID that allows you to deliver Predicta B and Predicta rNod services to clients.

Agronomist ID

Agronomist IDs are associated with an individual person, not a company – if you change companies, you remain accredited as long as your contact details are updated.

Accredited agronomists can use their IDs to login and download the latest Broadacre Soilborne Disease Manual.

Contact us if you misplace your agronomist ID number.


Predicta B and Predicta rNod accreditation and agronomist IDs

Nigel Percy
Phone: (08) 8429 2236

Matthew Rowe
Phone: 0491 933 041

Predicta Pt accreditation

Michael Rettke
Phone: 0401 122 124

Page last reviewed: 14 Feb 2024


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