Gummy Shark
Fishing limits
Minimum size: 45 cm measured from the 5th gill slit to the base of the tail
Bag limit: A combined limit of 2 per day for the below shark and ray species.
Boat limit: A total combined limit of 6 per day for the below shark and ray species. This applies when 3 or more people are fishing on board.
Species with combined daily fishing limits
Species with combined daily fishing limits
- Gummy Shark
- Port Jackson Shark
- Southern Eagle Ray
- Southern Fiddler Ray
- Western Shovelnose Ray
- Wobbegong – Cobbler, Banded, Spotted
- any other species of shark, ray, or skate that are not protected and do not have a bag limit of 1.
Fishing gear restrictions apply to metropolitan shark fishing.
Find out the rules and handling guidelines for fishing for sharks and rays.
Gummy Sharks have:
- grey colour on dorsal side and white on underside
- small white spots on dorsal side
- a long and slender body
- small, flat teeth for crushing prey
- a second dorsal fin nearly as large as the first.
They mostly feed on octopus, small crabs and other crustaceans.
They attain size up to ~1.9 m born at 35 cm and females reach sexual maturity at 5 years of age and 1.1 m in length. Litters are generally about 14 pups, yet can also reach up to 57 pups, and gestation periods span ~12 months, with a year reproductive cycle
They are found in gulf, shelf and shelf slope waters out to ~350 m.
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