Port Jackson Shark
Fishing limits
Size limit: No minimum legal length.
Bag limit: A combined limit of 2 per day for the below shark and ray species.
Boat limit: A total combined limit of 6 per day for the below shark and ray species. This applies when 3 or more people are fishing on board.
Species with combined daily fishing limits
Species with combined daily fishing limits
- Gummy Shark
- Port Jackson Shark
- Southern Eagle Ray
- Southern Fiddler Ray
- Western Shovelnose Ray
- Wobbegong – Cobbler, Banded, Spotted
- any other species of shark, ray, or skate that are not protected and do not have a bag limit of 1.
Fishing gear restrictions apply to metropolitan shark fishing.
Find out the rules and handling guidelines for fishing for sharks and rays.
Port Jackson Sharks have:
- large blunt heads
- 2 thick spines on the front edge of their first and second dorsal fins
- a combination of small triangular teeth and crushing plates
- brown backs with dark brown stripes.
Port Jackson Sharks are slow growing and live for up to 18 years. They can reach ~1.65 m in length but most sharks are less than 1 m long.
Port Jackson Sharks lay spiral shaped brown egg cases under ledges and in caves during winter to spring.
Port Jackson Sharks are bottom feeding and found throughout the South Australian gulf and shelf waters to depths of 275 m.
They have small home ranges compared to many other shark species, but can travel 100s of km.
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